About (this site)

web developmentpersonal

"Perfection is the enemy of progress" was said (I think) by Winston Churchill. I think about this a lot. In the case of this site, I'd been sitting on the domain for a while, and trying to determine the best way to build something. To prevent further procrastination, I headed to the 11ty site and forked one of the starter builds, specifically, the eleventy base blog.

I've scratched around with Eleventy a little bit before, and worked on Andy Bell's Learn Eleventy from Scratch course (which I really would recommend). It seems like a good, lightweight way of getting a site off the ground, and I was keen to do something different.

The site's hosted by Dreamhost, and I'm still working in a fairly old-school way of writing a blog post (for example) locally, and punting the output up onto a web server via SFTP. I'll get some keys setup soon enough, so I can do it from the command line - although I'm not as proficient at that as I once was.